Comment Process
If you wish to submit a comment on a specific project, the link for commenting on the CPS will automatically redirect you to the login page of the NPP External Submission Site. If you do not have an existing account, you must first:
- create an account;
- confirm the account via an email sent directly to the email address provided; and
- create a contact for the account.
Once the account is created, confirmed and the contact information is filled out, you will be able to comment on a project.
The public can comment on these two types of applications:
- an application for approval; or
- a public notice of a work on a non-scheduled waterway (public resolution).
Comments on an application for approval are received and reviewed by the NPP. All comments will be taken into account during the analysis of the project, however, the commenter will only be contacted if clarifications are required.
Comments on a notification of work on a non-scheduled waterway will be sent directly to the owner of the proposed work. Once comments are received, the commenter and the owner will have 45 days to resolve the concerns. If the comments and/or concerns are not resolved after this period of time, the commenter may request a decision from the NPP to decide if an application for approval needs to be submitted or not.